Starlight Glimmer (The Quiz)

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"Starlight Glimmer is a female unicorn pony and recurring character, initially an antagonist but later a protagonist, in the series. She first possibly appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #14 and first explicitly appears in the season five premiere." -My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

This quiz will give you the test on Starlight Glimmer! From the color of her mane to her deepest secrets, you will be asked all kind of questions about this special pony. How well do you know Starlight Glimmer?

Created by: StarlightGlimmer
  1. What is the main color of Starlight's mane?
  2. What award does Starlight receive for defeating Chrysalis and saving Equestria?
  3. Who is Starlight's friend as a filly?
  4. What character is Starlight in a “Hearth's Warming Tail”?
  5. What color are Starlight's eyes?
  6. Which season is Starlight introduced in?
  7. What is the episode introducing Starlight called?
  8. What type of pony is Starlight?
  9. Does Starlight Glimmer have an element on the show?
  10. Which pony has a similar cutie mark to Starlight Glimmer?

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