STAR WARS: Which path will you take?

Some confused people wonder what path they should take in one of the best movies ever ''Star Wars''. If you are one of those people, take this quiz!!!

Are you a Jedi?? Are you a Sith?? Are you a Rogue?? Are you a dark side warrior?? What side are you on? Find out by taking this quiz! You won't regret it!

Created by: CoolDude123
Personality Test
  1. You have just become a Jedi, but which lightsaber do you choose?
  2. Your master sends you off on a mission and you think you can't do. Do you accept?
  3. You find an old Jedi warrior - Darth Vader! How do you confront him?
  4. You are duelling a former Jedi knight who has fallen to the Sith. You have badly wounded him. What do you do?
  5. You are trapped underground beneath large rocks. How do you get out?
  6. If you could be one of these, what would you be?
  7. If you could be a Star wars character, who would you be?
  8. If you had to live on a Star Wars Planet, what planet would it be?
  9. What is your best song out of these?:
  10. What is LazerHawk?
  11. What is the best quote from Star Wars?

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Quiz topic: STAR WARS: Which path will I take?