star wars. What actor

There are people that know actors and there are people who don't. Which one are you. Click here to find out. It is free. It only takes like 3 to 10 min maybe.

You did goodish okay maybe. You so and so know your star wars actors. Better luck next time with quiz. Ha I don't like writing these paragraphs. It is boring

Created by: admiral groleo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What actor played luke skywalker
  2. What actor played qui gon jinn
  3. What actor played leia organa
  4. What actor played Han solo
  5. What actor voiced darth Vader
  6. What actor played Palpatine
  7. What actor played Wicket W. Warrick
  8. What actor played C-3PO
  9. How many actors played anikan/vader in all the movies. Except stunt devils
  10. Which actor did not play anikan/vader.
  11. What actor played jango fett
  12. What actor played Count Dooku
  13. What actor played Lando Calrissian

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