Star Wars: Sith Or Jedi?

Being a Sith lord well its not a bad thing but its not a good thing so yea. Please don't be like this is stupid because its my first quiz and I will be doing more.

(if I get positive comments) So do you think you have the power to become a Sith or do you think you bring balance to the force and peace to the galaxy.

Created by: Death4 of Sith Or Jedi?
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your master cannot be contacted so the Council Send members to go but you are determined to go. what do you do?
  2. Yoda: "The force with you it is you must travel on your own to a Sith Lord you must,".
  3. You are in the fight of a Sith lord after a while your opponent gains the upper hand and chops of one of you hands.
  4. Your master saves you but then he betrays you on the way out and is really a Sith lord you look worried. After a few seconds loads of troopers come from no where and surround you.
  5. You run back to the council and say your master is in the dark side and they ask you to bring him here.
  6. You find him but he is being repaired and Sith lords around him what do you do.
  7. A Sith lord lures you to the dark side and asks you to kill everyone in there. Do you?
  8. You are outnumbered in a fight. what do you do?
  9. Your a Sith warrior sent to kill the Republic but you are defeated by them.
  10. Are you bored? (Does not effect score)

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