Star Wars or Harry Potter Fan?

Are you having trouble deciding whether you are a bigger Harry Potter fan or a bigger Star Wars fan? Well I had the same problem as you! So I made this!

If you want to, you can take this quiz just for fun!!!!!

Created by: Victoria
  1. Light saber or magic wand?
  2. Avada Kedavera or Force-choke a victim?
  3. Who's the worst villain?
  4. The Force or wand-magic?
  5. Who is hotter/better?
  6. Who is better to get a weapon or tool from?
  7. Jedi Knight or Auror? (A wizard who catches Dark wizards)
  8. Animal companion (ex. Owl, cat, toad) or droid?
  9. Who is braver? Luke Skywalker or Harry Potter?
  10. Leia and Han Solo kiss or Ron and Hermione kiss?
  11. Did you think this quiz was cool?

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