star wars history quiz 2

There are many smart people, but few true star wars people. star war people are, after all, quite exceptional. What is a star wars person? A star wars person is someone who has a great star wars extraordinarily clever mind, is able to solve star wars problems, is very great at star wars

are you a star wars person? do you want to be one? you can by taking star wars history quiz 1 and 2. the questions are at medium to very hard level. so you should study alot to pass this quiz.

Created by: lego freak
  1. Who asks if the name lando refers to a starsystem
  2. Who is the first charecter to be seen on the empire strikes back?
  3. what planet is darth maul on when he finds out that his lightsaber has a second blade?
  4. what imperial starfighters have bent wings and twin bodies?
  5. who tells lord vader " the emperor commands you to make contact with him?
  6. what episode from 4-6 do darth vader and the emperor meet?
  7. name all the imperial ships that were in hoth battle.
  8. how many times were dath vaders helmet removed
  9. how many digits does a gungan have on each hand?
  10. What two planets are the sides between Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn?

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