Star darlings trivia

This quiz is to test if you are a real fan of the star darlings.Star darlings are a set of 12 popular books about twelve star darlings who are chosen to save their world.

The easy questions come first but they become a bit difficult later on. There is also a personality quiz about star darlings in this website. Pls don't forget to rate, comment and share.

Created by: Girlz
  1. Who gathered the star darlings
  2. What is Scarlet's favorite color
  3. What is Cassie's talent
  4. Which three star darlings are in grade three
  5. What is wishworld
  6. How many members are in the star darlings band
  7. Where do the star darlings learn
  8. Who is the youngest star darling
  9. Which star darling plays the drums in the star darling band
  10. Complete the theme song "drop a coin in a wish well, let it fall down "

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