Ssundee Quiz Derp

This quiz is about a youtuber named ssundee. He plays Minecraft and shows mods on his pc. He has a lot of subs and friends that have youtube channels, and he also plays the sims 4.

This quiz I about sims and Minecraft and you have to use your brain (or Internet) to get the right answer on the quiz. Let's see if you can get it right.

Created by: dan
  1. What is ssundee's favourite mod?
  2. What seris of sims does he play?
  3. Who did he play with in ftb?
  4. Who did he play with in skyfactory?
  5. What youtuber did ssundee not make a video with?
  6. Who did sundee make a video with?
  7. Who does ssundee know?
  8. Who does ssundee not know?
  9. What game did ssundee not play?
  10. Who is in the intro of ssundee's videos?
  11. How many subs does he have in 2014?

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