Spiritulism Quiz

There are so many religions. But do you know about the one that very few people have? Spiritulism is what this quiz is about. very few people know about it.

Do YOU know about Spiritulism? Do you have the brain power to figure it out? Until know you might not have even known that this religion existed. Take this quiz and in just a few minutes, you will find out if you belong in Spiritulism!

Created by: the avatar
  1. Who are The Spirits?
  2. Who is the inner mind?
  3. when you die you go....
  4. What happens at the place where you go when you die?
  5. What is the fruit of The Spirits?
  6. What is the Spiritual race?
  7. Is the inner mind a grandmotherf---er?
  8. The inner mind kills....
  9. Is the inner mind ageist?
  10. Is there a royal family in this religion?
  11. What is the head of the royal family's first name?
  12. What does the head of the royal family do?
  13. Some football games are about....
  14. Do the spirits have teir own radio station?
  15. Is it acessible?
  16. What time are the spirits most powerful?
  17. All bad people are....
  18. Will the inner mind ever be defeated
  19. What language does the royal family speak?
  20. what are the spirits names

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