Spiritually Speaking, How Old Are You?

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Age is relative. Yes, you were born in a certain year, and this year may be relevant to certain events in your life, but is it a true representation of your actual age?

We don't think so. The following questions, all highly researched and scientifically validated, are designed to evaluate your true spiritual age that goes far beyond just the year you were born.

Created by: quiztester1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have just brought a new house and the first piece of furniture you put into the living room is...
  2. Alcoholic beverage of choice...
  3. How do you prefer to get your news?
  4. Given these choices, the sport you would choose is...
  5. If you had to watch a rerun of a canceled sitcom, it would be...
  6. If you had to watch a rerun of canceled drama, it would be...
  7. Your thoughts on reality television is as follows.
  8. These remakes are coming... But which of these, in your opinion, should not be touched?
  9. These movie remakes aren't coming, only because you assassinated the studio head to keep them from making...
  10. Five actresses are in town, and you get to be tour guide to one. Who do you choose?
  11. Ice Cream is awesome, even for the lactose intolerant, which of these flavors do you prefer?
  12. If you have to play a video game, you're playing...

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Quiz topic: Spiritually Speaking, How Old am I?