Spirit Animals Quiz!!!

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This is a quiz about who you would be in the book Spirit Animals. You can be Tellun the wise elk, Uraza the feirce leopard, Briggan the wolf leader, Jhi the healer panda and Essix the funny gryfalcon.

Who will you be? Just answer these questions down below and have fun!🦌🦌🐆🐆🐺🐺🐼🐼🦅🦅 Good luck! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!......I...I mean welcome......

Created by: Blackstar
  1. Describe yourself in one word...
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. Your friend and your spirit animal are in great danger. What do you do?
  4. What do you do in your spare time?
  5. Which is your favourite animal out of these?
  6. Let the star decide...
  7. RP time! A stranger comes up to you in the street and says that you are under arrest. What do you do?
  8. Choose one.
  9. Do you like this quiz? (If you chose No 5, you stink because it took me 3 days to make this.)
  10. All right, last one. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
  11. Bye!

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