Spelling Bee!!

This is just a little quiz about spelling with a few grammar questions thrown in! I hope you like it, and I wish you luck! Enjoy my quiz, and ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE...

Mother Earth needs world peace. Babies and children need it. So why can't we all give peace a chance? All you need is love. There should be no hate and war.

Created by: Beatle Obsessed of The Beatles (official site)
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Is this the correct spelling: Sibylline (As in the Sibylline books of prophecy)
  2. Is this the correct spelling: Ineferno
  3. Correct spelling: Enviromemt
  4. Correct spelling: Inclement
  5. Correct spelling: Nycotphobia (definition is fear of the dark)
  6. Correct spelling: Nycotphobia (definition is fear of the dark)
  7. Correct spelling: Sepulchral
  8. Which word is speller incorrectly? "I am going to dres up for Halloween!"
  9. A prefix comes at the end of a sentence.
  10. Exclamation
  11. *BONUS GRAMMAR QUESTION* When you use a question mark, what kind of sentence is it?

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