Spanking Punishment Quiz

Tired of spanking quizzes that have results way too ridiculous to be actually done? This quiz is for you! This quiz provides reasonable concequences to your actions.

Although the results aren't ridiculous, they can still be painful! Most implements can be found around the house, like a hairbrush or ruler. You will also, of course, need a spanker.

Created by: Unknown
  1. How is your usual behavior?
  2. How would you react if you broke a rule?
  3. How would you react if someone else got bullied?
  4. How serious do you consider school to be?
  5. How would you treat someone who you met for the first time?
  6. How would you react if a parent/guardian told you that you deserve a spanking?
  7. How would you react if you got bullied?
  8. How often do you break a rule?
  9. How harsh of a spanking do you think you'll get?
  10. How nervous are you? (doesn't affect results)

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