South Park Quiz

There are many smart people, but barely any geniuses there aren't that many in this world I want people to understand southpark more than I do so pass this test.

You must be smart if your takeing my quiz if you pass that means your a geniuses and you know a lot about southpark, but if you fail your an idoit and you probaly don't know what southpark is, but don't give up.

Created by: Danielle

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In dead celbrities who possed ike?
  2. Are kyle and cartman good friends?
  3. Who is the cutest boy in southpark?
  4. Who is the girl that broke up with satn and went out with token?
  5. Does kenny die in every episode?
  6. What diesase does stan have?
  7. What kind of person is cartmans mom?
  8. What does kenny want to do most?
  9. Who is the boy that gets bullied a lot?
  10. What is the name of movie?

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