Soul Eater Would You Rather

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Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game

Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game Soul Eater would you rather game

Created by: Ty

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. would you rather go out with liz or maka
  2. would you rather go out with soul or kid
  3. would you rather spend a full day with black star or get a really bad maka/reaper chop
  4. would you rather ragnarok be stuck with you like he is with crona your whole life or be medusa's servant for a few days.
  5. would you rather be in a fight with black star or ragnarok
  6. would you rather be a weapon or meister
  7. would you rather be weapon/meister partners with patty or black star
  8. would you rather be weapon/meister partners with excalibur or fight asura
  9. would you rather make everything in kid's mansion unsymmetrical or use a permanent marker on one side of kid's face
  10. would you rather be friends with maka or soul

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