Soteriology Views (Salvation)

Soteriology is the theological study on salvation. Wonder if you're a Calvinist or Arminian? This quiz will help you find out, with many different results(Calvinism, Arminian, Covenantalist, Dispensationalist, etc.)

Think about each question before answering. If you don't understand a question, feel free to search the term and come back to the quiz. Enjoy the results!

Created by: Michael
  1. How are we saved?
  2. What choice and works is salvation based off of?
  3. According to what main element does God work salvation out of?
  4. Do we choose God or does He choose us?
  5. Did salvation in the Old Testament Era differ from now?
  6. What is predestination?
  7. Did God predestine the non-elect to hell?
  8. What describes the natural human?
  9. What describes human's natural relationship with God?
  10. Why did Jesus die?
  11. For whom did Jesus die?
  12. Does faith proceed regeneration or come before?
  13. How is faith generated?
  14. How does the Holy Spirit convict?
  15. Can a Christian lose their salvation?
  16. Will their be a remnant of Jews saved in the last days?
  17. Who are God's chosen people?
  18. Will there be a future millennial reign?

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