sorting hat quiz

There are not many witches or wizards in the world. What is a witch or wizard? A witch or wizard is a person who has magical powers. If you are one you will be going to Hogwarts at age 11.

Are you a witch or a wizard? Only quite a few people are. Do you have SUPER extraordinary powers? Well if you do the get to Diagon Alley : ) !!

Created by: Casie/Erin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many Harry Potter books have you read?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite animal?
  4. Who is your favorite professor?
  5. You have a lot of homework to do and your friend wants to practice Quidditch with you.
  6. Would you play Quidditch?
  7. Who is your favorite character?
  8. What is your favorite class?
  9. When your parents talk to their friends, what do they describe you as?
  10. If you were getting sorted, how would you feel?

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