Sorting hat quiz

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wil you be in:

slytherin? gryffindor? hufflepuff? or Rawenclaw???? GOOD LUCK!!

Created by: Ema of Story of our lives
(your link here more info)
  1. ok so in this test there will be 10 questions. For the first queston I would like to ask you if you could choose out of any superpower what would it be?
  2. question no. 4 if you were to be an animagus what animal would you turn into?
  3. no. 5 if you feared one of the humans bad qualities what would it be?
  4. no. 6 favorite color?
  5. no. 7 favorite teacher
  6. no. 8 favorite class
  7. no.9 if you were walking to class and you see someone from slytherin jynxing a first year what would you do?
  8. last question did you like this quiz?
  9. i love you guys
  10. ok bye wanna see the results?

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