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are you a sonic fan find out by playing this high tension sonic mastering quiz of uber awesome killing pwnageness of doom where you really do step into the world of sonic

can you really defeat the impossible sonic quiz only a few people can , im sure if your a true sonic fan you'll ace it all the way through welldone for trying

Created by: SHADOW
  1. Which Character can lift objects with physokenesis?
  2. Who's the fastest!?
  3. who can teleport through time with chaos control?
  4. who saved princess elise off eggmans battleship?
  5. whats the secret base under soleanna city called?
  6. whats eggmans pet called?
  7. whats mephiles full name
  8. who is shadow?
  9. who does silver hang out with alot!
  10. how many chaos emeralds are there
  11. whats sonics best 3 friends?
  12. what is metal sonic made out of?
  13. whats the solaris prototype?
  14. what is the name of amy?

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