Social Learning Theory

This is a quiz about the social learning theory. To learn more about this theory take this quiz after you have researched a little about this topic. If you think you know it all just take this quiz!!!

Do you think you are smart enough to handle this quiz? I know you are thinking that! Ha well take it and find out!!! If not that's ok just reread the information and take it again!!!

Created by: kelsi
  1. What is the social learning theory?
  2. Are people more likely to copy positive behaviors, negative, or both?
  3. Who was the theorist of the social learning theory?
  4. The observation theory is another name for the social learning theory.
  5. People observe and learn through television shows and commercials.
  6. Commercials get people because they make them want to buy their product so they get the same outcome as on the commercial.
  7. There is never negative social learning.
  8. When someone slows down while speeding because they see a cop pulled someone else over giving them a ticket is an example of..
  9. Kids are the only ones that are affected by the social learning theory.
  10. What are the 3 factors that determine human behavior?

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