So you think you know your Greek/Roman Gods

There are many smart people out there I'm sure you all treys your best. But what is your best?when you put your hardest into something and you accomplish or fail but who cares at least you tried.

Do YOU know your Gods. Do you have proof,No we'll take this test and really question yourself if that's true maybe you're right or wrong. Take this quiz and Ace then you can prove it to your friends.😉

Created by: Marsha
  1. What is the Roman name for Zeus.
  2. Which Greek Gods name is.... Minerva In Roman
  3. Who is the god of wine
  4. Which God hates spiders
  5. What is the Greek name for Neptune
  6. Who is Pluto
  7. Which of the big three doesn't have a cabin
  8. Who is Nico's father
  9. Who is the Goddess with no kids
  10. Who gives Jason the quest to find her

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Quiz topic: So you think you know my Greek/Roman Gods