So you think you know the greek gods/goddessess | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz So you think you know the greek gods/goddessess.
You are 100% percent genius
Wow you are very knowledgeable about the gods and goddesses finally someone nearly as smart as me you should be proud
It was ok... try putting periods at the end of sentences though- makes it easier to read. Zeus spelled wrong, so eight stars.
cometcat1 -
You are 100% percent genius
Wow you are very knowledgeable about the gods and goddesses finally someone nearly as smart as me you should be proud
Same to you, and I enjoyed your quiz. However, I rated it 1/10 as you spelt Zeus Zues. Who is smarter?
Phoebe1 -
Woo! 100%! I lov Greek mythology!
- 1