So, you Think you Know the Dark Hunters, Eh?

The Dark Hunters -- for thousands of years, that name has brought fear into the hearts of everyone from Toa heroes to Matoran to members of the Brotherhood of Makuta itself. Gathered from every corner of the universe, these thieves, enforcers, and monstrosities have come together in an organization whose reach extends into every council chamber and every shadowy corner.

I, the Shadowed One, brought these warriors and wanderers together. For the right price, they will do anything, regardless of the danger. Those of them who are wise have learned to fear my wrath far more than any other consequence of their deeds. My Dark Hunters have stolen artifacts far more valuable than the whole of the city of Metru Nui; they've made Turaga simply vanish into the night; they've spied, deceived, and brought destruction to countless lands -- all in the name of profit and power.

Created by: Nathan
  1. First question: Who is my most trusted operative?
  2. Did you get that one right? You don't know. I guess you'll just sit there getting ancient while you fret. Anyway, next question: There are three people I could possibly lose a battle to, who are they? And no, you're not one of them.
  3. Other than Nidhiki, name more Toa who has chosen to accept my terms of membership?
  4. Native to Stelt...
  5. Which of these are not matches?
  6. Traitor?
  7. Match up codename "Trigger" with this description.
  8. Who is not mutated?
  9. On a scale of 1-6, how loyal is Ancient?
  10. Which is our greatest adversary?
  11. If you have read my book, how dead are you?
  12. I know you got that one right. So, anyway, did you like this quiz?

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