So you think you know Maggie Simpson

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There is Smart and Simpsons but can you eat candy bars more than thirty minutes? The elephant is way cooler than you. But Maggie takes the amazing cherry cake.

Maggie Simpsons is Cool but mousepads are butter than cheese cause red markers are very awesome. Milestone or a Decade you are the best or worst in simpsons

Created by: doodle of
(your link here more info)
  1. True or False: Homer's favorite child is maggie
  2. Which one of these charecters are Maggie's enemy
  3. How old is Maggie?
  4. Maggie is named after............
  5. What color pacifier does Maggie have
  6. How many sisters does Maggie have
  7. True or False: Bart hates Maggie
  8. How Many Living Maggies in Simpsons are there
  9. On which episode does Marge feel like Maggie doesent need her
  10. True or False: Maggie Shot Mr. Burns
  11. Maggie has a ------ colored dress

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