So you think you can transdifferentiate?

You've had your chance to think about transdifferentiation, now let's see what transdifferentiation has to think about you! Keep your thinking caps on and let's see if you can transdifferentiate!

Are you a Transdifferentiation Professor or a Jellyfish? Until now you could only wonder, but thanks to this great quiz, you'll be able to find out in just a few minutes!

Created by: Marilyn

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which two researchers gave the first experimental evidence towards transdifferentiation?
  2. A pluripotent stem cell has the potential to divide into:
  3. Transdifferentiation is considered to be:
  4. Transdifferentiation challenges the dogma that...?
  5. Some transdifferentiation events could be explained by...?
  6. A tool which has helped elucidate transdifferentiation is...?
  7. How does Turritopsis nutricula able to perpetuate its immortal life cycle?
  8. Which of the following is not a technique used in diagnosing Barrett's syndrome?
  9. In newt retinal regeneration, what does RPE stand for?
  10. Horb et al. were able to convert hepatocytes into pancreatic tissue in Xenopus via treatment of
  11. The inter-conversion between liver cells and pancreatic cells is noted to be clinically important due potential
  12. Of importance to the transdifferentiation of pancreatic cells to hepatocytes is
  13. TGFβ receptors are a type of:
  14. Lens regeneration from the dorsal iris cannot occur without:
  15. Cdx1 and Cdx2 have been associated with:

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