So. Very. Random.

This quiz is weird. This quiz is weird. This quiz is weird. I am eating a bag of chips. Can’t talk to much. Sorry. (No I’m not sorry) P.S. don’t ever forget me!

We three kings of orient are bearing gifts we traverse afar field and fountain more and mountain following yonder star ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh star of wonder star of light star with royal beauty bright

Created by: Bleh
  1. Are you alive?
  2. Is this quiz starting off strange?
  3. Do I have a crush on you?
  4. Do you think I am an idiot?
  5. See ya!!!
  6. Hi! I’m here again. What is your name!!!????
  7. Do you have rabies?
  8. Have you ever played connect four?
  9. I’m thinking of the first question.... Were you being honest?
  10. Are you always honest?

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