So are you a hotty? who have nothing else

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There are many people that think they aren't hotties or they are ugly. Don't think any of that instead take this quiz and find out the truh about yourself.

Are you a hotly or not. If you are goof for you if not retake the test. But first take the test and you'll know in no time at all . Have fun now and don't frown?

Created by: Burritoman

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know if you are popular?
  2. Do you find yourself having vanity?
  3. Are u dating at the moment
  4. Random question do you want to date me I am 13 brown hair and eyes lol
  5. Random listen I have to have twelve and I'm running out of ideas so ... What is your favorite food
  6. What does this make you think.... Heyyyyyyyyy
  7. What is your favorite color
  8. Where do you live
  9. Al
  10. D

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Quiz topic: So am I a hotty? who have nothing else