Snow'Claw's Love Story!!

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This is the story about a she-cat I made up. I hope you enjoy! This is NOT following the books at all. So if you rate badly because of that, TOO BAD!!

I hope you enjoy! Glad you are trying my quiz!!! I hope you have a good night!! I am very happy to say that I have enjoyed making this quiz, and I hope you like taking it.

Created by: Jillian
  1. You are running through the woods, chasing and invading fox. Suddenly you run straight into a Rouge, unsure what to do you cower hoping he will show you mercy. "Well hello there", he says, "Aren't you a pretty girl?"
  2. "I'm Death'Claw, former cat of Shadow'Clan", the rouge tells you. You tell the rouge you will come back to see him, but you have to get back to ThunderClan camp. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Fire'Fang yells when you get back to camp.
  3. "I was worried", Fire Fang tells you. He rubs his body against your's purring. "Come on, it's late"... Your days continue like this, meeting up with Death'Claw then coming home to Fire'Fang. Eventually, the gathering came and you were selected to go. When you and your clan arrived you met the eyes of the Wind Clan leader Dark'Star. Your heart started to race as he approached. "Hello the Snow'Claw"
  4. One day, you bump into a River'clan cat named Venom'Tail. He tells you he likes you and wants to be with you. You tell him you like him too, and then you are secretly seeing all 4 toms. But then...
  6. One night, all 4 toms tell you to meet them at the exact same spot. You...
  7. You arrive to the special spot and find the toms you love bloodily fighting. You run up to them crying, telling them you're sorry. They become angry and storm away, you follow-
  8. After your conversation with [the tom you followed] you head back to camp. You see your Clan's deputy attacking Venom'Tail. you-
  9. You end up brutally fighting the deputy to save Venom'Tail. "SNOW'CLAW!! YOU WILL PAY!!"
  10. You are given the chance to be with one tom, you choose-

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