smarty pants or not

this quiz is kind of hard if you dont know your times tables and if you cant figure out word problems it really going to be hard so my advice to you learn it

do you like taking test?do you lern a lot in school?are you a smrt person? do you like learning new things? if you answered yes to any of those questions you need to take this quiz.

Created by: $$makiah$$
  1. what is 8í—9?
  2. how many fingers do humans have?
  3. true or false. Dr.martin luther king jr.did not make a spech.
  4. what is the name of Dr.martin luther king jr's speech was called...
  5. what is the correct thing to do if you have a bloody nose?
  6. a class to a orginize the votes they used a circle graph. the circle graph all together equals 100%.the class could only vote for three things:math,reading and social studies.if math is 50% and social studies is 20%.what is reading?
  7. what is 5:45 written in words?
  8. what is snow?
  9. what does this sign mean? í—
  10. what does this sign mean? í—
  11. what does H1N1mean?

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