SM64 Pro haxx0r skillZz

This quiz is all about hacking SM64. If you dont suck at sm64, you might get a score above 10%. or if you take it twice, you might aswell. not very informative.

i like dongerfaces. thats all i want to talk about. i really just want to finish this quit because im getting bored of making one. any other fillword

Created by: Kaze
  1. What is the mainly used way of loading data into an extended ROM?
  2. Which of these commands is not a valid way to end a behavior in SM64?
  3. How many Level IDs are used in the original?
  4. Who's fault is it?
  5. How big is the safedata for a single file?
  6. Which data type is used for coordinates in Collision data?
  7. Which RAMbanks are useable for display lists?
  8. Which behavior commands can be used in combination to deactivate an object after a certain time?
  9. Which format does SM64 use for text?
  10. Where does the ram object chain start?

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