Sliverlights time to shine-warrior cats love story

I hope you Injoyed! The main character is really snowbird but reedstar,sliverlight(this one) and shadowfang will all have there own!! It took me like three days to make it tho!!

Who WILL snowbird end up with?? Sliverlight,reedstar, or shadowfang?? You will find out soon I hope! But in the mean time i will work on the second on after this as snowbird and it's called "snowbirds heart"!! I hope you'll like it!!

Created by: Snowbird101
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. This is about sliverlight,snowbird,reedstar, and shadowfang. First off snowbirds is the Main character and 3 GUYS! Count em 3 GUYS like her. Second off snowbirds father died from a cliff and her mother died off kitting.. Sad life sad life
  2. RP: you look over at your crush snowbird as she pads over to you madly. "UGHH! My brothers! They keep on saying that I like reedstar!" You grab a mouse then you sit next to her
  3. RP: you get called for a hunting patrol with reedstar, fastpelt, rabbitfoot, carrotpaw, and firemoon. "Bye"
  4. RP: your stalking a mouse then you dream of something..
  5. RP: someone jumps on you
  6. RP: nothing works but you hear a rustle in the bushes then carrotpaw attacks the bigger cat
  7. RP: you thank carrotpaw. You see that she cought a little sparrow and is smiling at him
  8. RP: it was a little bit later and you all head back to camp. You hear that your mom is giving birth
  9. RP: your mom gave birth to 3 kits. She will let you name one and she and your dad will name the other two. You see that there's a black Tom, a sliver she cat, and a sliver Tom. You pick the black Tom
  10. RP: no matter what you picked your parents think that nightkit is a good one. The sliver she cat is moonkit the sliver Tom is fishkit

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