slender man the quiz

you are a smart guy or woman a dog a alien F&%$ no matter wat you are. but you are smart?? or you are a genius?? smart or genius this is the question.

i want you to join this quiz. dont disapoint uncle sam or disapoint then he is going there to fuzilate you whit his army of over 9000!! soldiers got it. i asked got it ???

Created by: afonso
  1. what is the amount of pages
  2. what color is slender man face
  3. what tipe of cloth slender man use s ?
  4. how is the character that you use
  5. what is the object that you hold in the game
  6. what slender man uses do kill you
  7. what happen if you beat the game (this question contain spoilers)
  8. what you grab to finish the game
  9. in slender man woods to beat the game you have to...(this question contain spoilers)
  10. in slendytubbis(it have nothing to do whit slender man but meh...)how is persuiting you

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