slang quiz! how much u know!

What does this stand for: NGL ??? obviously! ??? NO CLUE!Take this quiz if you know the latest slang kids use!!! This can test if you are a kid and know all slang or none! Or an Adult that doesn't know any! Or does!!!

Hi! Do you want to test how much slang you have? Well this is perfect for you! there will be ten quick and simple questions to answer! Enjoy this quiz!!!

Created by: Aphmaufan103
  1. 1. what does this stand for:NGL
  2. 2. what does this stand for:LOL
  3. 3. what does this stand for:RN
  4. what does this stand for:IDK
  5. What does this stand for:IDC
  6. what does this stand for:Obvi
  7. What does this stand for: tysm
  8. What does this stand for: BC
  9. What does this stand for: IKR
  10. What does this stand for: gtg
  11. bye! :D

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