Skulduggery Pleasant quiz

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Hi there! This is my second quiz now on this account. If I didn't mention it on the first quiz, I used to have an old account but I changed computers and can't remember my old Password. I used to be called Francesca Tao but I changed it too Midnight Tao. I am not going to tell you all my real name just yet. It depends on the future. If you look up Francesca Tao you will find a bunch of other Skulduggery Pleasant quizzes, I am quite a big fan of Derek's writing!

In this quiz there will be three options, whichever one you get is great! They all have positive things to them as-well bad. I hope you have fun! Take care all. Midnight Xx

Created by: Midnight Tao
  1. What colour hair do you have?
  2. Which weapon would you most like to use?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Whats your fav animal?
  5. Choose a quote:
  6. Whats your fav colour?
  7. How happy are you on a daily bases?
  8. Who's your fav writer?
  9. Would you like to be born magic?
  10. Who do you want to be?

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