Skeptic or Believer

Are you a complete skeptic? Do you believe nothing you are told, nothing you read, unless you verify six different ways? Do you think that everyone is lying to you all the time?

Or are you a complete believer, believing everything you are told no matter how ridiculous? If someone told you George W Bush had just admitted that the invasion or Iraq was a mistake and Intelligent Design is rubbish, would you believe it?

Created by: Catlover
  1. Choose the answer that is closest to the truth.
  2. Choose the answer that best describes you
  3. If you hear a commonly quoted statistic like "10% of the population is gay" you
  4. Choose the most accurate answer
  5. When a new fad diet comes out you
  6. When a big budget hyped movie is released you
  7. Atkins (of the Atkins diet) was
  8. When someone plays an April Fools prank on you, you
  9. Your feeling toward astrology is
  10. Valentine's Day is about

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