Singer You Probably don't know

Well, I have to have a lot of characters but there is nothing to write. I will probo say that this test is actually challenging for many people such as my bro and my friends

Let's see how you do on this quiz! I wish you good luck, and...Yeahhh... That's all for now, folks!Well, I used 3 h's but, well, that's just me peeps!

Created by: MattyB
  1. Who is the singer/rapper?
  2. Who is the singer/rapper?
  3. Who is the singer/rapper??
  4. Who is the singer?
  5. DO you like this quiz? I'm doing it on my comp instead of my phone...
  6. Who is the singer/rapper?
  7. BTW, The age and gender did not matter, they do not affect your score whatsoever.
  8. Is MattyB awesome?
  9. Almost the last question!(This doesn't affect your score...)
  10. Who is the singer/rapper?
  11. Bye peeps!!

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