Siavon Review Quiz

This is a short quiz on the first couple chapters of 'Siavon.' You are the only possible one who could know the answers besides me, so good luck! Be sure that you've read the entire thing before you take the quiz or you won't know certain stuff...or you'll spoil the suprise.

How well did you read 'Siavon'? Did you just skim it? Or are you frantically taking notes on every little detail? Well, I doubt that you're doing THAT...but here's the test!

Created by: Jess

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many blachunds did Vorian fight in the first chapter?
  2. What is on Crocotta's amulet?
  3. What is 'God's Breath' also known as?
  4. Who is Pishnee?
  5. What is the cockatrice's name?
  6. What are the baby cyclops' names?
  7. What is special about Bogle's blood?
  8. What can Rut do?
  9. What color is the Volk?
  10. What element does the Galerush control?
  11. What is a 'hrotage'?
  12. What kind of fruit did Alasdair have a love for?
  13. Who is 'Gnal'?
  14. What is Tulley's weapon of choice?
  15. What profession is Alder's family?
  16. What is God's Breath made out of?
  17. What type of tree populates the woods of Falias?
  18. What is Vorian's horse's name?
  19. What does Keavy call Vorian?

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