Shynexqqqqq qqq

This quiz will not give accurate information but it sure could be. It is based off of the way you answer the questions inside of the quiz that you could take on this website.

This quiz will not give accurate information but it sure could be. It is based off of the way you answer the questions inside of the quiz that you could take on this website.

Created by: hannah smith of shyness??
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you get nervous in crowds of people?
  2. How do you feel when talking to new people, you hae never met before?
  3. If you had a question, would you ask somebody or keep it to yourself and try to figure it out?
  4. public speaking
  5. talking with a group of friends
  6. assertive with others?
  7. Feeling insecure and out of place in many social situations
  8. Using a public restroom
  9. Ordering food in a restaurant
  10. I fear being judged as inadequate or incompetent

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