Shy and Innocent, or Wild?

Some people are wild and some are innocent. Innocent people are the ones with the innocent mind (obviously) And others are not. (I know my paragraph sucks)

Are you innocent? Or are you even innocent to the eyes of the ones who surrounds you? Or they see you as the other girls that are caked with makeup? Whatever, just find out.

Created by: Crimson Red
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok, Let's start with.. What is your make-up?
  2. What are the type of clothes you wear?
  3. What is your favorite drink?
  4. Some guy flirts with you
  5. Your friends invite you to a will?
  6. Your favorite shows are
  7. Do you like Miley Cyrus today?
  8. Uhm..Did you got bored? (No effect)
  9. You got curious and opened your computer to stuffs
  10. Last Question: Do you already have an experience?

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