shoutout quiz! ^w^

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welcome welcome welcome to my shoutout quiz! new and updated. the others are on my Cinnamon_Roll account, which is my old one. so i mean you can look at them id you want to

spammmjwsvbvbaazesxrdctfvgyhbujn;lgwfcvsipdygdwlewhyihy gfshsvdbcv cglfuydqvtfd5f6tgy7hu8ijomnibuvyctdx5s4eirhvbasdgtuif9agyfbhwyuhajyehrtsryjtemnbgfvefeg

Created by: shattered dreams
  1. some of my friendos are doing this so i decided to as well! welp, welcome! i'm kai/fae and i'll be your host this evening. feel free to have some tea and relax
  2. okay, the first shoutout goes to momma June! :DD
  3. :33 the next goes to Angel!
  4. now give it up for... Cats! :D
  5. now for krissy!! <33
  6. and ofc spoce! :>>
  7. bry! (if you ever see this) <3
  8. MIKA
  9. chaiiii (i miss you btw :()
  10. tremmy boi! uwu
  11. esp! :D haven't talked to chu in a while
  12. ellyyyy! ^c^
  13. and a shoutout to dad! and by that i mean road :DD
  14. ok, that's it! also a special shoutout to all of the mods for all their hard work! <33

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