I have never done a shout out quiz before and i wanted to do one because i love yall and you mean a lot to me. I hope yall are ok and everything and im running out of things to type.

SO IMA JUST TYPE GIBBERISH also message me on the forums if you have an idea of what quiz i should do next! anyways ON WITH LE GIBBERISHVFGCTFGH GHVCGRDFCBHJVGCTFVJCTFGVBHGVFGGJYJ

Created by: Eri Chan
  1. first of all im not doing a particular order so :D
  2. first off CINNA
  3. next is mOtHeR jUnE
  4. and then, everyone's FAVE cOwBeE, SPOICE :D
  5. and then Danny💖
  6. next is my rp buddie EMO
  7. then ADRIAN, JACK and RAVAGER #glassescult
  8. and CATS
  9. and last but not least TREMMIEEEEEE my big sibling on gtq
  10. welp buh byeif i forgot u let me know in the commentsLUV YALL

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