Shout Out Quiz!!!!!!!!

Shout out quiz! Take the quiz. Thanks all of my fans. Just kidding. Stop talking nonsense here. Most of the quizzes here i here and look and see. Some one take.

point of view." Must be Example: "Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!" Enter some parting words Parting words will appear after someone has taken your quiz. Try to say something nice, witty, sarcastic, etc. Parting Words: Example: "Thank you so much for taking the

Created by: Insane Helium

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First shout out goes to Dragons Fire. I disliked you at first, but now i understand you. You have a very a slow temper. I like that.
  2. Clara Ford- You are cool. I haven't had a real chat with you. I hope to chat in the future.
  3. Clarke, Your profile is great. Thanks for making a quiz about me. I can't say much because we just recently met.
  4. Next shout out goes to Yoi Morgan. I can't comment cause i've never met you. Hope to chat with you.
  5. Quiz master 12345, I haven't met you yet, but your'e good at making friends.
  6. Then, next on my list is... Zephyrroi. You are a cool user. I'm guessing you like Space. I haven't met you yet. I hope to chat later
  7. Then the Ultimate shout out goes to.....Nuva Blanca. You were among the first 3 users who fought for the freedom of GTQ. Kudos!!!
  8. Then shout out goes to all the Moderators!
  9. Then to my real life friends on here, Hello!!
  10. Then to everyone else who were not included in this quiz, Shout Out!

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