Should you stay or should you go?

Is your love on fire or ice? Every relationship has its ups and downs but the decision to tough it out can be a hard one. The heart doesn't always have your best interests in mind.

Should you stay or should you go? You love them but want to kill them all at the same time. Sometimes we need a little push to move on from something that isn't right for you.

Created by: Heather

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How long have you and your partner been together.
  2. Do you share a lot of common interest/hobbies?
  3. How do you feel when you think about your partner?
  4. Has your relationship been completely monogamous?
  5. How often do you laugh together?
  6. How is the intimacy in your relationship?
  7. If you have children, how is your family life?
  8. How often do you and your partner fight?
  9. Are you still in love?
  10. Where do you see your relationship in five years from now?

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Quiz topic: Should I stay or should I go?