Should You Run Away?

You can be going through a rough time but that doesn't mean you should run away. Just take this quiz and see if you need to go, so have fun and good luck.

Hey its me again, they make you write a lot to start with. But have fun and good luck with your new life. I guess be adventurous, take risk and get out there in the world.

Created by: teddy 987
  1. Do you like your school?
  2. How long have you been fighting with your parents?
  3. Why are you taking this quiz?
  4. Are you in love with some one?
  5. Do you actually want to run away?
  6. How many freinds do you have?
  7. Do you get in trouble at school a lot?
  8. Do you do drugs / drink?
  9. Do you stell stuff from the store?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Are you going to run away?

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Quiz topic: Should I Run Away?