Should you really still be on the computer right now? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Should you really still be on the computer right now?
i'm amazing, be jealous of my awesome spiderman bike w/ a hello kitty helmet. i wanted 2 be the first 2 comment so here's a bunch of random stuff. dead frog, needle, coconut, pie, computer, sun, plant, moon, money, and me! hahahahahahahahaha, this is a long comment. i hope u like it! toodles. i'm hungry bi!
rawr!!!!!!!>:3 be jealous! be VERY JEALOUS! (17%)
Kuki1 -
hey kuki, ur jealous of her spiderman bike? wow that's pretty lame.
dancinfool4444: Your Weird, VERY WIERD! And I AM NOT jealous of your spiderman bike!!!
44% ----- awesome - saffeee zonee!
Too me1 -
wow i got 28%!! cool beans! i wouldve thought i would get more!!
mileyXO1 -
i dont CARE that i shouldnt still b on by 90% (so true)
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