Should you read Survival of the Cats?

I am introducing a new book series to the world!! My name is Auroris Galaxy, a YouTuber even further into the future than this coming book. You might be here 20 years after my story is published, but then you're just here for the fun.

If you want to buy my book, but you're havin' doubts, then take this quiz to find out! If it says something like 0%, then read it anyway. What does a quiz know?!

Created by: AuroisGalaxy
  1. Do you like CATS?
  2. Are you female? (Cause the main cat's a girl. Hope that doesn't bother you!)
  3. Do you have a OC? (OC = original character)
  4. What is your favorite book theme?
  5. Will you ever write a book?
  6. What do you like reading about?
  7. Are you aware yet that I'm the creator of this book, Survival of the Cats?
  8. Do you have room for another rocking book series?
  9. Do you have a YouTube channel? (If you do, tell me in the comments)
  10. Do you sometimes think you're a cat?

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Quiz topic: Should I read Survival of the Cats?
