Should You Own A Pet?
There are only few people who are TRUE pet owners... A true pet owner would never hurt or be mean to an animal, but, remember, everything you do to it, it will remember what you did and it could bite, but, chooses not to if it is a great animal...well, i dont know what else to put, dont read thins if you dont want to... now im bored with this part... i hope i am done... continue at the end of next paragraph!!!
ArE yOu A tRuE pEt OwNeR??? dO yOu ThInK yOu ShOuLd HaVe An AnImAl? FiNd OuT hErE!!! good luck to you... this is the continued part... ha ha! now, if you dont already know by now, im bored!!! and i really dont want to do this part at all! i hope you know that! im just writing things down! ha ha! :) and im bou tdone here to!!! :)
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