Should You Move On or Get Him Back

Breakups are tough. They leave you confused and pondering every second you spent with them. Should you move on or do you love him enough to dedicate then next part of your life to get him back.

Are you going through a breakup? Are you having a hard time accepting it? Are you questioning what you should do? If so, take this quiz to find out the best option for you.

Created by: Hannah

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long were you together for?
  2. How long have you been broken up for?
  3. Who broke up with who?
  4. Why did you two breakup
  5. Was there ever any cheating in the relationship?
  6. Have you kept in contact since the breakup?
  7. Have you seen each other since the breakup?
  8. Have you been intimate with him since the breakup?
  9. Has he moved on?
  10. How was the breakup?
  11. Do you still love him?
  12. Do your friends/family think you'll get back together?
  13. Have you broken up before?
  14. Has he blocked you on anything?
  15. Did you have a healthy relationship

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Quiz topic: Should I Move On or Get Him Back