Should you go out with him?

Should you go out with him? Is he sweet and kind or nasty and rude? Does he deserve you? Is he a great guy or is he a lame loser? Figure it out! Take this quiz!

Soo.... Is he worth it? I think you wanna know. I would. I made this quiz so you could figure it out! Is he amazing or just stupid? Figure it out now!

Created by: Me

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you see him in the hall does he look your way and smile, even if he's busy?
  2. Does he act the same around his friends?
  3. When somethings wrong does he come up and ask you about it?
  4. Can he make you laugh all the time?
  5. Is he nice to your friends?
  6. Does he ever flirt with your friends?
  7. Does he remember what's going on in your life?
  8. Do you think he's worth it?
  9. If you're hurt does he come over to help you?
  10. Has he told you things no one else knows about him?

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Quiz topic: Should I go out with him?