Should you get fat RP

I made this quiz for people cause I love to take these quizzes too so why don’t you take my quiz and get your results enjoy! :D :) (faces) hehe 😜😊!!

I don’t know why I have to type here it’s not like people read this anyway so jdidiskjsndjdisoaooaieurygfvvbcjuxystfwvqbshidirufnfmkfkdksooajahaggevrbhfycy (That should be enough)

Created by: Caitlin
  1. You wake up one morning and your once flat tummy is now softer and a little more heavy than before what is your reaction?
  2. You go to you room and try to put on a shirt that you fitted you yesterday and notice it’s a little tight and you can see your little bulge of tummy sticking out a little you?
  3. It’s been 2 weeks and you have gained 20 pounds you have bought new clothes and your little bulge is now a small belly your sitting at lunch and you eat so much that you pants unbutton and your small belly is sticking out and everyone is looking at you. what do you do?
  4. It has been a month and you have gained 40 pounds your going up fast you get in the car and as you sit down your belly falls out of your jeans and your mom sees your new big belly that is now resting on your lap and your mom says you need to loose some weight what do you do?
  5. You have been working on you belly for a while now and you finally get to go on a date since your gain some jeans that fit you a month ago are now to small but somehow you get them on and there pretty tight and give you a big muffin top but dang your butt looks soooooo good you go out to a restaurant and you just had a 3 course meal and you that at any minute your button is going to pop but your date wants you to have dessert and you can’t deny dessert so he orders you a triple layer cake you eat one layer of cake and your Jean button pops right off your nice big and round belly is now resting on your lap what do you do?
  6. You have just gained 100 pounds how do you celebrate?
  7. When would you stop you weight gain?
  8. Would you care about comments?
  9. Do you like fat/chubby people?
  10. Final question do you like fat bellies?
  11. Did you enjoy my quiz?

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